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Student Savings

It’s never too early to start saving. Our Student Savings account makes it easier than ever to start saving for your future. Exclusive to Fidelity Bank Student and Student Plus customers, this savings account is designed to help you begin saving for what’s ahead.

Earn Money With Student Savings

Savings that grows with you. Designed for customers between the ages of 13 and 231, this account is the perfect solution for students who want to earn money on their balance with a competitive interest rate. Also, you can conveniently link your Student Savings account to your Student and Student Plus account for overdraft protection to save you money.2

Plus, Student Savings customers enjoy free Online Banking, Mobile Banking with Mobile Deposit, and online statements.

a student looking at her phone inside a library

Opening deposit of $25

No monthly service charge

Two free withdrawals per month3

Account Benefits

When you choose a Fidelity Bank savings account, you’ll get free easy-to-use benefits to help you access your money on the go and keep an eye on your money.

students learning in a classroom

External Transfers

Ready to Get Started?

Opening a savings account online is easy! All you’ll need is your social security number, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, address, government issued ID, and payment for your opening deposit.

If you’re an existing customer, log in to online banking for a simplified account opening experience.

Student Plus

Keep tabs on your finances and gain access to extra perks to save you money.

 Learn More

Basic Checking

An account with a bundle of convenient features to help you manage your finances.

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Personal Savings

Earn a competitive interest rate to help you jumpstart your savings.

 Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question give us a call


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  1. No co-signer is required. At the age of 24, or soon thereafter, the account will convert to a Personal Savings account.
  2. Account can be used as overdraft protection for a Student Checking account. $10 automatic transfer fee applies. Other overdraft protection services may require opt-in.
  3. Each additional withdrawal in excess of two is $2. To avoid the monthly withdrawal fee, you must maintain an average daily collected balance of $2,500 per statement cycle.

Digital Tools to Help You Stay Connected

Check your accounts, move money, pay bills, pay family and friends, and turn your card on and off – all from your mobile device. Digital Banking at Fidelity Bank lets you do virtually everything on your banking to-do list without driving to a branch. Whether on your phone or computer, we’ve got you covered.

Discover the Tools